【CGgogo动漫插画原画影视概念设计美术设计游戏设计视频教程】Nikolai Lockertsen – Power of Thumbnails

The thumbnail is the foundation of any artwork. it is the simple sketch where you nail the composition, framing, point of view and balance of your image. A strong artwork needs a strong foundation.

In this 1hour 37min tutorial I go trough how I do my thumbnail-sketches. All 6 thumbnails are done in 15min each, and you will see everything realtime.

I show how to use a few brushes very efficiently and with different results according to how you use the brush.

The ability to sketch small has given me a great advantage on being fast and effective. When doing thumbnails you can be playful and test out whatever you want. And if the a thumbnail sketch is poor, you only spent 15min! so you can start over and make a stronger one!缩略图是任何艺术品的基础。这是一个简单的草图,您可以在其中钉牢图像的构图,取景,视角和平衡。强大的艺术品需要坚实的基础。



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CGGO » 【CGgogo动漫插画原画影视概念设计美术设计游戏设计视频教程】Nikolai Lockertsen – Power of Thumbnails